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nn did Satan set up Christmas? First of all, before I speak about why, I want people to understand why that is being presented.
First of all, Jesus came into this world many years ago not for a celebration or for having fun or for ministers to gather a lot of people
in their places of worship and after they talk for a while they pass the plate around and collect money. 
Jesus did not come in the world to help millions of ministers to use the Bible to help them raise billions of dollars.
He came into the world to tell people the truth that people are born with the spirit of Satan. People were not born with the Holy Spirit of God.
A person has to believe in God and want to serve God and if they are sincere, God knows their heart and people will not recieve the Holy Spirit of God they will 
continue on with the spirit of Satan. Many so-called ministers baptize babies thinking that they are getting 
these children right with God when in reality there is not one scripture in the Bible that anybody baptized a baby.
Baptism is part of being saved but the most important part is believing. A baby 2 months old cannot believe in God
and to know who God is and to make that decision to follow God. The false minister will tell people that is what you should do.
These people who are baptized will go about their life thinking they are of God and that God will protect them but these people
never got the bad spirit out of them. So if you don't get the bad spirit out then you won't have the ability to comprehend
and understand the truths of God. In the Bible, I Corinthians 2:9, "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, 
the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit" As you can see from that scripture a man cannot
just grab a Bible out of the store and start reading it and start teaching people. You have to have the annointing of the Holy Spirit. 
Most people never did that even though they think they did because some religious people tell them that they are okay 
becuase they believe what they tell him but if you have that ability to understand the scriptures then you would know
that God only set up one religion and you would know all the rest of them are wrong. And you would know this Christmas celebration
is the work of Satan. So I'm going back to the beginning because hopefully you will understand where I am coming from that you have to serve God 
by his Word and by his Spirit and you had to have the bad spirit cast out of you. 
So back to the beginning, now we are going on to explain that Satan set up Christmas because he envies the Almighty God.
Because it is a celebration of the time that Satan tried to kill the Almighty God and he gets the people to be involved with toys, presents and drunken 
parties. They do not know what they are doing. But the people will be punished for this madness. The stupid devil tried to kill Jesus but he cannot. Satan
envies the Almighty God as you do too.hjb

Why Satan Set Up Christmas

Why did Satan set up Christmas? 

First of all, before I speak about why, I want people to understand why that is being presented.

Jesus came into this world many years ago not for a celebration or for having fun or for ministers to gather a lot of people in their places of worship and after they talk for a while they pass the plate around and collect money. 

Jesus did not come in the world to help millions of ministers to use the Bible to help them raise billions of dollars. He came into the world to tell people the Truth that people are born with the spirit of Satan. People are not born with the Holy Spirit of God.

A person has to believe in God and want to serve God. If they are not sincere God, who knows their heart, will not give them his Holy Spirit. They will continue on with the spirit of Satan. Many so-called ministers baptize babies thinking that they are getting these children right with God when in reality there is not one scripture in the Bible where anyone baptized a baby.

Baptism is part of being saved but the most important part is believing. A baby 2 months old cannot believe in God and know who God is and make the decision to follow God. The false minister will tell the parents that baptizing a baby is what they should do. This is contrary to the Scriptures.

These people who were baptized as children will go about their life thinking they are of God and that God will protect them but these people never got the bad spirit out of them. If you don't get the bad spirit out then you won't have the ability to comprehend and understand the Truths of God. In the Bible, I Corinthians 2:9, "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit"

As you can see from that scripture a man cannot just grab a Bible out of the store and start reading it and start teaching people. You have to have the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Most people never did that even though they think they did because some religious people tell them that they are okay because they believe what they tell him. But if you have that ability to understand the scriptures then you would know that God only set up one religion and you would know all the rest of them are wrong. And you would know this Christmas celebration is the work of Satan. 

So I'm going back to the beginning because hopefully you will understand where I am coming from that you have to serve God by his Word and by his Spirit and you had to have the bad spirit cast out of you.

So back to the beginning, now we are going on to explain that Satan set up Christmas because he envies the Almighty God. Because it is a celebration of the time that Satan tried to kill the Almighty God and he gets the people to be involved with toys, presents and drunken parties. 

They do not know what they are doing. But the people will be punished for this madness. The stupid devil tried to kill Jesus but he cannot. Satan envies the Almighty God as you do too.

Jesus said in the Bible, that the world hates him in John 7:7, “The world cannot hate you; but me it hatter, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.” The reason why people hate Jesus is because they have a bad spirit. They were born that way. People were not born with the Holy Spirit of God because you have to get the bad spirit out of you and then if you have the right mindset and want to do the right thing, God will give you his Spirit. 

But most people listen to the false religions whose main interest is to make money. The bigger the congregation is, the more money they make. They are not concerned about your soul. 

Now let me say this, everyone is born with a soul and a body and a spirit. If you were in a car crash and if it was very serious and you actually died, what that means is the soul and spirit left that body and all that is in that wrecked car is that body. Or if somebody shot you, the body and the soul would be separate because the spirit does not want to be in a body that cannot do anything. 

You have a spirit and that spirit needs you. It needs you because without the body the spirit cannot do anything. It needs a body to work. It needs hands, nose, feet, and mouth. Jesus made a body for him to dwell in because in this world people have to have a physical body. So there are billions of people on the earth and each person has a body and spirit and a soul. 

So those spirits use your body to make mockery of God, tell lies on God, and they will even destroy one another. The bad spirits will destroy one another so that they will show that God is unfair. In other words, they will do something stupid like shoot up a restaurant or shoot up a school where a lot of children are killed. They do that because they want it to look like God is very unfair. 

What people are not aware of is that all the people of the world are under the power of Satan and Satan is responsible for them. 

We are not looking for money, fame or glory. All we want to do is let people know the truth of God. We are not soliciting members. All we want to do is share the truth because a lot of false ministers lie so they can get members. They do not even know that they were born with a bad spirit. You can check out our message from time to time as we continue to broadcast the truth. Have a good day.
